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As a cyberpunk and open-world MMORPG for mobile, Dragon Raja is going to celebrate its 4th anniversary! Limited Motors, Titles, and various interesting events await you! 4.1 star. 181K reviews. 5M+. Downloads. Teen. info. play_arrow Trailer. About this game. arrow_forward. As a cyberpunk and open-world MMORPG for mobile, Dragon Raja is going to celebrate its... google_logo Play. Games. Apps Dragon Raja | SEA - Games Latest Version. Version. 1.5.301 (301) Update. Mar 18, 2024. Developer. Tencent. Category. Adventure. Google Play ID. com.tencent.lzhx. Installs. 100+. App APKs. 龙族幻想 APK. Dragon Raja (Asia) GAME. Dragon RAJA is a fantastic 3D MMORPG in which you can explore a futuristic fantasy world on a train... or from the back of a dragon! Free Online Games - Play Now - 3000+ Games Online For Free The hybrids—humans gifted with superpowers—are gathering to prepare for the coming battle which is sure to be an epic showdown. Review (s) Article (s) Notes Cards. APK Size: 18.16 MB. 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Deep character customization, customized personality, plus an innovative career system, it's time to start a unique gaming life from here. Dragon Raja - Apps on Google Play What's New in the Latest Version 1.0.251. Feb 26, 2023. Spend the New Year with Dragon Raja! New Year Gifts arrived! Log in to the game to check out the supreme rewards! Also, New Map and New Allies will come soon, keep an eye on the update, and don't miss out on the changes in Cassell College! Dragon Raja for Android - Download the APK from Uptodown Dragon Raja - SEA for Android - Download the APK from Uptodown The Best PC Games to Download are Here: with Reviews & Rankings. Download and Play 4 Free. We Tested the Best PC Games to Download. Come Find our Reviews & Rankings. All Free! April 3, 2024. Role Playing. Advertisement. Additional Information. Genres. Multiplayer, Role Playing. Google Play ID. Rating. Version. 1.0.347. Developer. Archosaur Games. Requires. 5.0. Size. 1.88 GB. MOD Features. Not available. Updated. 2023/08/11. Advertisement. Download APK. Explore this Article. +. Dragon Raja APK 1.0.343 for Android - APKdone Unduh. Tentang Dragon Raja. Indonesia. Kelas 15! Penghargaan Game Paling Diantisipasi - Unreal Open Day 2019. Diciptakan dengan Unreal Engine 4, Dragon Raja adalah permainan seluler dunia generasi berikutnya yang menawarkan dunia raksasa dan imersif melalui penggunaan teknologi canggih dan grafis yang memukau. Based on unreal Engine 4, Dragon Raja is an open world mobile game with the extraordinary and immersive graphics. In Dragon Raja, you are able to create unique character and make friends from all over the world to explore and fight alongside each other. Dragon Raja APK for Android Download - APK Size: 1866.04 MB. Dragon Raja is a mobile MMORPG that successfully recreates famous scenery around the world. With the realistic texture and weather system, players will have the experience of playing and surviving in the real world. 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